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Auto Transport Glossary
- Eastern Central Motor Carriers Association.
Edge Protector
- An angle piece fitted over the edge of boxes, crates, bundles and other packages to prevent the pressure from metal bands or other types from cutting into the package.
- Abbreviation for "Electronic Data Interface." Generic term for transmission of transactional data between computer systems. EDI is typically via a batched transmission, usually conforming to consistent standards.
- International data interchange standards sponsored by the United Nations. See UN/EDIFACT.
- - A charge for services performed in connection with floating elevators.
- Charges assessed for the handling of grain through grain elevators. Elkins Act
- An act of Congress (1903) prohibiting rebates, concession, misbilling, etc. and providing specific penalties for such violations.
- Order to restrict the hauling of freight.
Eminent Domain
- The sovereign power to take property for a necessary public use, with reasonable compensation.
Empty Repo
- Contraction for Empty Repositioning. The movement of empty containers.
- A legal signature usually placed on the reverse of a draft; signifies transfer of rights from the holder to another party.
- Customs documents required to clear an import shipment for entry into the general commerce of a country.
- A monetary allowance to the customer for picking up or delivering at a point other than the destination shown on the bill of lading. This provision is covered by tariff publication.
Equipment Interchange Receipt (EIR)
- A document transferring a container from one carrier to another, or to/from a terminal.
- - Estimated Time of Availability. That time when a tractor/partner
carrier is available for dispatch.
- Estimated time of arrival. Ethylene
- A gas produced by many fruits and vegetables that accelerates the ripening and aging processes.
- Eastern Weighing and Inspection Bureau.
"Ex Dec"
- Contraction for "Shipper's Export Declaration."
Ex - "From"
- When used in pricing terms such as "Ex Factory" or "Ex Dock," it signifies that the price quoted applies only at the point of origin indicated.
- Notations made when the cargo is received at the carrier's terminal or loaded aboard a vessel. They show any irregularities in packaging or actual or suspected damage to the cargo. Exceptions are then noted on the bill of lading.
- Abbreviation for Export-Import Bank of the United States. An independent U.S. Government Agency which facilitates exports of U.S. goods by providing loan guarantees and insurance for repayment of bank-provided export credit.
Expiry Date
- Issued in connection with documents such as letters of credit, tariffs etc. to advise that stated provisions will expire at a certain time.
- Shipment of goods to a foreign country.
Export Declaration
- A government document declaring designated goods to be shipped out of the country. To be completed by the exporter and filed with the U.S. Government.
Export License
- A government document which permits the "Licensee" to engage in the export of designated goods to certain destinations.
Export Rate
- A rate published on traffic moving from an interior point to a port for transshipment to a foreign country.